Sion Kolsch |
Our canal view |
The train was a packed one...lots of people heading to Amsterdam! We'd only gone a couple of stops when we were told that due to technical issues we'd all have to get off the train & take another, so we all loaded in to finish up the end of the trip. When we arrived in Amsterdam it was dark out and swarms of people were out & about. We successfully navigated our way to the B&B - we'd had trouble finding accomodations in Amsterdam, so had settled for a B&B that had a shared bath. This happened to be the owner's house & she rents out 2 rooms - not perfect, but it will do. Our room was on the top floor of a very steep, narrow, spiraling staircase. I assume this is a typical staircase in Amsterdam with all of the tall, skinny rows of houses. The view out our window is great...looking right over a canal.
Since we missed lunch we were about starved at this point, so we headed into the Joordan area, just a few canals away and settled in at a little Italian joint for some food & then off to find one of the highly recommended beer bars that was very close to our B&B. One thing I have to say about walking around Amsterdam, besides the beautiful canals, bridges, and cobbleston streets, is holy bicycles!! They are absolutely everywhere...and they are booking it! We very quickly learned to not only look for cars when crossing a street, but to keep an extra eye out for approaching bicycles. It'll be a miracle if I don't get run over by one :) We got caught in the middle of a huge thunder & lightening storm with torrential rain & hail - we took cover in a doorway to let it pass and were amazed by the crazy bikers who kept going, with an umbrella in one hand, other hand on the handlebar.
We found t'Arendsnest, which is a spot that came very highly recommended by several people - a gem of a beer bar indeed. The servers really know their stuff, and is almost a piece of art to watch them pour the perfect glass of beer. One thing we love here (Europe in general, not just this place) is that every single beer has a specific glass to be served in...makes for a great display of glassware everywhere we go. After hanging out at t'Arendsnest for a little while, that was the end of the day for us.
Tap list at t'Arendsnest |
I loved t'Arendsnest, and will probably go back next time I'm in Amsterdam. The beer was amazing!